Sunday, June 25, 2006


I want to ask everone to pay attention to my messasge because it is very significant for me. In a place where you live might arrive Ahiska Turkish people. They had lived in Russia to 17 years and suffered terrible because they didn't have any doccuments. Finally their problems heard whole world including U.S. And this great country decided to help my people by giving them a new name and permission for a legal life. Most of Ahiska people don't know English and it is hard for them to find a job I would realy appreciate if some of you will help them to get a job,but any help would be use ful. Thank you very much for your time.


1 comment:

israil said...

Sevgili Cihangir kardas.
Yazdigin siirler ve sozler yuregimize dokundu. Hakikatten dogru sozler yazmissin. Keske herkes senin gibi dusunup davransa. Bizler Charlottesville, VIRGINIA'daki Ahiskalilar olarak seni destekliyoruz. Biz de vatan kazanmaya, dilimizi, dinimizi ve kulturumuzu kaybetmemeye calisacagimiza soz veriyoruz.
Yeni calismalarinizi bekliyoruz.